
A collection of culture, people, and events of the North

The Golden Coffee from Philippine Civet's Droppings

Coffee is always been a part of most Filipnos, sometimes you can see coffee served in their breakfast, lunch or dinner and even during their snacks they also have at least a cup of coffee. 

In the celebration of the First Cordillera Festival FIESTA last July 5-6 held in BSU Gym (Benguet State University), the Highland Agriculture and resources Research and development Consortium (HARRDEC) spread the events aim to feature the very best of Cordillera Coffees.

Different kinds of coffee from different provinces of Cordillera presented their coffees.

But what attracted me most was the rarest coffee in the world, the strange brew made from the stool of a cat like creatures called civet. In tagalog we call this creature as "alamid" and to Cordilleran  vernacular we call them as "mutit" This creature is typically seen in the forest of Asia and Africa and they use their nose to choose the ripest and the sweetest coffee cherry and eats them during the coffee season starting February to April.

From the Civet's stomach, the outer layer of the coffee will be digested and the coffee beans will be fermented inside their stomach. And when the Civet will defecates, partially digested beans will lead behind and that will make the world's most expensive coffee. 

The droppings are harvested by the hand from the forest floors not from the trees. The beans will be cleaned up, air dried and will be ready to be roasted.

This coffee is not just a gold to every coffee lover, but it is great help in generating employments to the natives of Tabuk Kalinga.

Here are some photos taken during the First Coffee festival:

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